Friday, September 19, 2008

Doctor's Appointment: September 18, 2008

Well, I FINALLY got an ultrasound date. Mark your calendars for October 1st at 3:30pm. Yeah!!! We finally get to find out what this little person is!!! I'll be taking bets up until the first of October, so start placing them now!
The baby's heartrate is 164 beats per minute. That's good. Between 120 and 170 is normal. It took her a few secounds to find the heartbeat and then she got it. Then the baby moved so she lost it and had to find it again. So we have lot's of moving around. I still haven't felt any movement yet, but the nurse said I'm still kinda early to feel it. But hopefully soon I'll be able to feel it. I'm so curious to know what it feels likie. Everyone has their own description of it. What else?....they did more bloodwork, which I wasn't prepared for. They are checking my iron levels. And I go back for another regular appointment on October 16 at 3:30pm. I think that's all the main points.
So let the countdown to the ultrasound begin!!! Feel free to place your bets at any time! Tootles!

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