Friday, September 26, 2008

September 26, 2008-Movement?

I think I may have felt the baby move this morning! Don't know for sure, considering I've never been pregnant before and I don't know what it feels like. Anyway, I was lying in bed this morning and I rolled over on my stomach (yes, I can still lay on my tummy). After lying there for about a minute I felt something strange in my tummy. I would describe it like an air bubble in my tummy that was rolling around. It did it twice, one right after the other. The second time made me aware of it. I thought to myself "Hmmm, that was weird. Hey, I wonder if that was the baby moving?" I laid there for a few more minutes waiting to see if I could feel it again, but no such luck. So I decided to get up and get ready for work. I wonder if it was really the baby moving or just my tummy rolling? I suppose I'll know if I feel the same thing again.

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