Thursday, August 14, 2008

Little Bit of Everything-August 14, 2008

Ahhh, the joy's of pregnancy. The nausea, the sleepiness, the food aversions, the constant need for junk food and the thongs that have gotten sooo tight that it looks like (well you know what it looks like). So off I go to Target, on Saturday, to buy myself some bigger undies. I made the mistake of buying medium hipster panties. They are huge. They bunch on the sides and droop in the back and sag in the booty. Then I buy 2 packages of, what I thought were thongs, and what do I end up getting? Not thongs, the whole reason for going to Target, but I bought bikini's. I read the front of the package , I know a few times, and still thought I was buying thongs. Didn't realize it until I opened the package and went to put a pair on. So I can now add one more symptom to my ongoing list....stupid. Maybe I'll soon be able to get the right undies. Pray for me.
Onto another rant....I had a dream last night that I had the baby. Don't know what it was, but I know I had it. Got the baby home and realized that I forgot to call the peditrician, the baby had no doctor's appointment and I forgot to call the insurance company too. I guess I should make a list now of phone calls that have to be made. I might forget to call the doctor!
I think I can safely say that I have traded the nausea for sleepiness. It is all I can do to drag myself out of the bed in the mornings. I feel like I could fall asleep at my desk everyday. But around 2:00pm it goes away. But only for about 4 hours. By the time I get home at 6:30pm, I'm ready for bed. And then I feel like I could sleep for days. I bet I'll trade the sleepiness for peeing every 5 miutes, here in a few weeks. I'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

Robby and Jennifer said...

You are too funny! Let me just tell you, the stupidness stays after the baby is born! I'm still waiting on it to go away!