Thursday, December 11, 2008

Dr's Appointment-December 11, 2008

Today was the gluclose test. They are checking me for gestational diabeties. Here's how if works: you drink a 10 ounce "sugar-water" drink that is flavored. You have a choice between orange, which tastes like flat Sunkist, and Fruit Punch, which tastes just like Hi-C fruit punch. I went for the fruit punch. I'm not real into flat Sunkist. Then you get 5 minutes to drink it. I guess I drank it in 5 minutes, the nurses didn't tell me otherwise. However, there was a girl that came in after me and I think she chugged her's, cause she was done before I was. Anywho, once you drink it, you have to wait an hour and then have your blood drawn. They let you know if you fail within a few days. Then you have to go back for a 3 hour test, if you fail. So while I was waiting for my hour to pass, I had a regular doctor's appointment.
I saw Dr. Fishburn again, and he said everything with the little man is good. His heartbeat is 142 bpm and I'm measuring right on target. He said he wasn't positive, but he thinks that he is head down. He put my hands on it so that I could feel it. I didn't really know what I was feeling so "whatever you say, doc." He says that is a good thing, even though he is active he could move positions, but it was good that he is there now. So hopefull he'll be back there in 11 more weeks.
I thought I was supposed to have my Rhogam shot at this visit but I was halfway wrong. This is the shot to deal with my negative Rh factor in my blood. Along with them testing for the diabeties they took enough blood to test my antibodies. Dr. Fishburn explained it that if my body is already producing the antibodies to deal with the negative blood, then I don't need the shot, my body is already taking care of it. So they will call me tomorrow or Monday to let me know if I need to come in and have the shot.
This was the last 4 week appointment. I have to start going every 2 weeks now. So my next appointment will be December 22.

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